Opening Up the Gospels
A video series on the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus as revealed by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a precious treasure and testimony of God's faithfulness. For a large part of my life of faith, Jesus' story as told by the books we call the "Gospels" was not much more than a fairy tale to me. I realized my "relationship" with Jesus was sincere but had little substance to it beyond sentiment towards His work on the cross. I could spend hours telling you about my favorite TV shows, but I couldn't tell you much about the details of the life of the Promised One that humanity has longed for since the fall in Eden's garden.

Beginning in the summer of 2013 and finishing in the summer of 2017, I recorded short videos that chronologically walk through the Gospels to encourage others to "behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29) and to "hear Him" (Matthew 17:5) - to look at the treasure of His life and to listen to His matchless words. I pray this contribution to the body of Messiah would help us to marvel at His "unsearchable riches" (Ephesians 3:8) and to help us "eagerly wait" (Hebrews 9:28) for His return to rule in Jerusalem.

This teaching series is called Opening Up the Gospels. There are 156 episodes, enough to watch one episode per week for three years straight. I hope these are edifying and strengthening to your faith in Jesus.
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Episode 90 - Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles, part 1

In the fall of the final year of His ministry, Jesus enters Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles and begins teaching in the Temple for the first time. On the last day of the feast, Jesus stands up and says: "if anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink". This episode examines the dialogue… Read More »

Episode 91 - Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles, part 2

In the fall of the final year of His ministry, Jesus enters Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles and begins teaching in the Temple for the first time. Jesus enrages the Pharisees and openly declares that He is the one true God of Israel three times. This episode examines those words and more dialogue from… Read More »

Episode 92 - Ministering in Judea and Perea

After the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus continues ministering in Judea and Perea. This episode looks at the chronological context for the Lord's prayer as well as Jesus' often misunderstood words "the kingdom of God has come upon you" from Luke 11.

Episode 93 - Woes to the Pharisees

As the window of opportunity for their repentance slowly closes, Jesus offers harsh rebukes to the Pharisees and to the people of Israel. This episode examines Jesus' strong words to the crowds and the "woes" to the Pharisee as He dines with him after the Feast of Tabernacles.

Episode 94 - Teaching in Judea Between the Feasts

After the Feast of Tabernacles in October, Jesus gives an extended teaching to the crowds in Judea in Luke 12-13. Unlike the Pharisees who were leading the people of Israel astray, the good shepherd Jesus instructs the people in righteousness and encourages them to seek first His coming kingdom instead of possessions and wealth in… Read More »

Episode 95 - Perean Ministry Between the Feasts

Between the Feast of Tabernacles in October and the Feast of Dedication in December, Jesus ministers in the region of Perea. This episode looks at the events of Luke 13, including Jesus' rebuke of the Pharisees and His yearning for Jerusalem's repentance.

Episode 96 - Dining with the Ruler of the Pharisees

Upon heading into Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication, Jesus dines with a member of Israel's ruling council, the Sanhedrin. At the meal, He rebukes them for taking the places of honor at the table and not seeking humility as they should. This episode examines the events from Luke 14.

Episode 97 - Healing of the Man Born Blind

Jesus heals a man born blind by making mud from dirt and spit, rubbing it on his eyes, and telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The Jewish authorities are once again angered. They bring in the man for questioning, attempting to discredit Jesus. This episode looks at this scene from John 9.

Episode 98 - Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jesus continues His rebuke of the Jewish authorities in John 10 just prior to the Feast of Dedication in December of 28AD by drawing on a well-known Old Testament passage to them, Ezekiel 34. This episode develops that rebuke and connects it to the story of the Old Testament.

Episode 99 - Jesus at the Feast of Dedication

After traveling about Judea and Perea for several months, Jesus teaches in the Temple at the Feast of Dedication in December of 28AD. There, the Jews seek to stone Him for blasphemy because He claimed to be God. This episode details Jesus' words from John 10.

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