Opening Up the Gospels
A video series on the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus as revealed by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a precious treasure and testimony of God's faithfulness. For a large part of my life of faith, Jesus' story as told by the books we call the "Gospels" was not much more than a fairy tale to me. I realized my "relationship" with Jesus was sincere but had little substance to it beyond sentiment towards His work on the cross. I could spend hours telling you about my favorite TV shows, but I couldn't tell you much about the details of the life of the Promised One that humanity has longed for since the fall in Eden's garden.

Beginning in the summer of 2013 and finishing in the summer of 2017, I recorded short videos that chronologically walk through the Gospels to encourage others to "behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29) and to "hear Him" (Matthew 17:5) - to look at the treasure of His life and to listen to His matchless words. I pray this contribution to the body of Messiah would help us to marvel at His "unsearchable riches" (Ephesians 3:8) and to help us "eagerly wait" (Hebrews 9:28) for His return to rule in Jerusalem.

This teaching series is called Opening Up the Gospels. There are 156 episodes, enough to watch one episode per week for three years straight. I hope these are edifying and strengthening to your faith in Jesus.
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Episode 40 - Introducing the Public Ministry of Jesus

The Gospels are often seen as a collection of random events where Jesus is haphazardly wandering Israel, healing and giving good sermons while getting angry at the Pharisees. On the contrary, Jesus was being very purposeful with His movements and His words. This episode introduces the structure, chronology, and geography of Jesus' 2-year public ministry.

Episode 41 - The Baptism of Jesus

The baptism of Jesus is a very familiar scene to many, but there is so much confusion about it. Why was Jesus baptized and how does it tie into the greater story of the Gospels and the Old Testament? This episode looks at those moments in Bethany beyond the Jordan and connects Jesus' baptism to… Read More »

Episode 42 - Jesus in the Wilderness

Immediately following His baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where He remains for 40 days. During that time, Satan tests Him on three specific instances. This episode develops the significance of the tests and why it is important that Jesus emerged victoriously.

Episode 43 - The Inquisition from Jerusalem

While Jesus was still in the wilderness, priests and Levites from Jerusalem came to Bethany beyond the Jordan to question John the Baptist. Crowds had gathered to John in the wilderness. Could he be the promised Christ? Learn more about this significant moment in this episode.

Episode 44 - Behold, the Lamb of God

On the day that Jesus emerges from the wilderness, John the Baptist declares something very significant about Him to the crowds in Bethany beyond the Jordan. He called Jesus "the lamb of God". For his hearers, this would have evoked images from the Old Testament. Learn about John's words and their significance in this episode.

Episode 45 - The First Disciples

Just two days after emerging from the wilderness, Jesus meets a handful of fishermen from Galilee in Bethany beyond the Jordan. Andrew, John, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael would go on to spend more time with Jesus before returning to fish up north. This episode will examine this scene and clarify the chronology of the early… Read More »

Episode 46 - Jesus and Nathanael

Just another day later according to John's gospel, Jesus meets a friend of Philip's named Nathanael. Nathanael enthusiastically confesses his belief in Jesus as the Christ. This episode expounds on the significance of Jesus' words about the heavens opening and "angels ascending and descending on the son of man". What a glorious passage!

Episode 47 - The Wedding at Cana

Perhaps only a week after His emergence from the wilderness, Jesus heads to Cana in Galilee with His new disciples for a wedding celebration. When the wine runs out, Jesus creates nearly 150 gallons of wine from water. While it's important to see that this was not a "public" beginning to His ministry, it was… Read More »

Episode 48 - A Look at the Temple

What was the Temple in Jerusalem like in Jesus' day? It was absolutely magnificent - in fact, it was one of the wonders of the ancient world. Not only was it beautiful, but it was large. The entire complex was roughly the area of 35 football fields! This episode briefly examines the features of the… Read More »

Episode 49 - The Cleansing of the Temple

The very first, overtly public act of Jesus' ministry was the cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus drove out money changers and those selling animals, indicting the Jewish authorities and asserting His authority over the temple. Learn why this event is so important to the story of the Gospels in this episode.

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