Opening Up the Gospels
A video series on the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus as revealed by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a precious treasure and testimony of God's faithfulness. For a large part of my life of faith, Jesus' story as told by the books we call the "Gospels" was not much more than a fairy tale to me. I realized my "relationship" with Jesus was sincere but had little substance to it beyond sentiment towards His work on the cross. I could spend hours telling you about my favorite TV shows, but I couldn't tell you much about the details of the life of the Promised One that humanity has longed for since the fall in Eden's garden.

Beginning in the summer of 2013 and finishing in the summer of 2017, I recorded short videos that chronologically walk through the Gospels to encourage others to "behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29) and to "hear Him" (Matthew 17:5) - to look at the treasure of His life and to listen to His matchless words. I pray this contribution to the body of Messiah would help us to marvel at His "unsearchable riches" (Ephesians 3:8) and to help us "eagerly wait" (Hebrews 9:28) for His return to rule in Jerusalem.

This teaching series is called Opening Up the Gospels. There are 156 episodes, enough to watch one episode per week for three years straight. I hope these are edifying and strengthening to your faith in Jesus.
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Episode 50 - Jesus and Nicodemus

At some point after Jesus cleanses the Temple, He meets with Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. In this well-known scene in John 3, Jesus corrects Nicodemus' confidence and hope. Jesus was indeed the Messiah but would not establish His kingdom by an insurrection, and adherence to the Law of Moses qualify anyone to be… Read More »

Episode 51 - On the Way to Galilee

As Jesus' disciples were baptizing, a dispute arises between John's disciples and a Jew over purification. John the Baptist gives a noble answer to them, calling himself a "friend of the bridegroom". Soon after, the Jewish authorities throw John in prison, sending Jesus and His new disciples north into Galilee. Learn more about the transition… Read More »

Episode 52 - The Woman at the Well

Jesus heads north to Galilee after John the Baptist was imprisoned, but first passes through Samaria. Unlike His reception in Jerusalem, Jesus was joyfully received by the Samaritan people. This episode discusses the significance of Jesus' exchange with the woman near Jacob's well.

Episode 53 - Introduction to the Early Galilean Ministry

After being rejected in Jerusalem by the Jewish authorities, Jesus heads to Galilee to begin his appeal in the north. This episode discusses why Jesus' ministry likely lasted only two years, lays out the basic timeline of His ministry, and introduces the "Early Galilean" period.

Episode 54 - Jesus' First Rejection in Nazareth

Upon His return to Galilee, Jesus enters his hometown of Nazareth and stands up in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, Jesus identifies Himself as the one who will accomplish the things written. The Jews, in utter disbelief, attempt to throw him off of a cliff. This episode… Read More »

Episode 55 - Healing at the Pool of Bethesda

While in Jerusalem for feast of the Jews, Jesus heals a paralyzed man at the Pool of Bethesda. When confronted by the Jewish authorities, Jesus asserts His divinity by saying that He and His Father are working on the Sabbath. Once again, Jesus asserts His authority over the leadership and their system. This episode examines… Read More »

Episode 56 - The Miraculous Catch of Fish

In light of yet another rejection by the Jews in Jerusalem, Jesus leaves the feast and heads to Galilee to formally and permanently call some of His disciples - Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Their call came at no ordinary moment, however. After toiling all night and catching no fish, Jesus instructed them to let… Read More »

Episode 57 - Miracles in Galilee

While traveling with His first four official disciples, Jesus' fame spreads in Galilee like wildfire. While He was staying in Capernaum, Mark 1 and Luke 4 narrate several events that leave the crowds and us as the readers awestruck. This episode develops the healing of the demonized man on the Sabbath, the healing of Peter's… Read More »

Episode 58 - The Second Galilean Circuit

Jesus makes another circuit throughout Galilee, yet the Gospels record only two significant events during the period - the healing of a leper and the healing of a paralytic. In both instances, Jesus demonstrates deep compassion for the afflicted and yet again confronts the religious leaders for their hardness of heart.

Episode 59 - The Calling of Matthew

Many in Israel looked upon tax collectors with disdain because of their dishonesty and greed. By the shores of the sea of Galilee, a man named Matthew sat at his tax booth perhaps observing the ministry of Jesus and hearing His teaching. However, in one unexpected, breathtaking moment, Jesus beckoned this despised tax collector into… Read More »

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