Opening Up the Gospels
A video series on the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus as revealed by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a precious treasure and testimony of God's faithfulness. For a large part of my life of faith, Jesus' story as told by the books we call the "Gospels" was not much more than a fairy tale to me. I realized my "relationship" with Jesus was sincere but had little substance to it beyond sentiment towards His work on the cross. I could spend hours telling you about my favorite TV shows, but I couldn't tell you much about the details of the life of the Promised One that humanity has longed for since the fall in Eden's garden.

Beginning in the summer of 2013 and finishing in the summer of 2017, I recorded short videos that chronologically walk through the Gospels to encourage others to "behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29) and to "hear Him" (Matthew 17:5) - to look at the treasure of His life and to listen to His matchless words. I pray this contribution to the body of Messiah would help us to marvel at His "unsearchable riches" (Ephesians 3:8) and to help us "eagerly wait" (Hebrews 9:28) for His return to rule in Jerusalem.

This teaching series is called Opening Up the Gospels. There are 156 episodes, enough to watch one episode per week for three years straight. I hope these are edifying and strengthening to your faith in Jesus.
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Episode 70 - Jesus Calms the Storm

After a long, tiring day of ministry, Jesus calms a storm on the Sea of Galilee. The juxtaposition of His humanity and His divinity is seen beautifully through this scene. This episode looks at the events leading up to the dramatic event as well as some of the historical and geographical features that would have… Read More »

Episode 71 - Healings in Galilee

After Jesus calms the storm, He heals a demonized man in the region of the Gerasenes. Upon His return to Capernaum, He also heals Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood. These dramatic miracles occur very close together and continue to show forth Jesus' power and authority to the Galileans.

Episode 72 - The Sending of the Twelve

After only a few months of being Jesus' formal disciples, the Twelve are sent out two-by-two into the towns of Galilee with power and authority to appeal for the fruits of repentance. Unfortunately, many Galileans do not respond to their appeal. This episode examines the final events of Jesus' Middle Galilean ministry.

Episode 73 - Introduction to the Late Galilean Ministry

The Late Galilean Ministry begins the second year of Jesus' public ministry to Israel. Many important developments take place during this time, including Jesus' clear prediction of His suffering and His pronouncement of judgment upon Galilee. This episode gives an overview of the events of this period.

Episode 74 - The Feeding of the Five Thousand, part 1

Jesus miraculously feeding 5,000 men is one of the more well-known stories from the Gospels. Yet the geographical context, the events leading up to it, and the creative power that Jesus displays is not often considered. The timing of the feeding also helps tremendously in forming a general chronology of the Gospels. This episode begins… Read More »

Episode 75 - The Feeding of the Five Thousand, part 2

Jesus miraculously feeding 5,000 men is one of the more well-known stories from the Gospels. Yet the geographical context, the events leading up to it, and the creative power that Jesus displays is not often considered. The timing of the feeding also helps tremendously in forming a general chronology of the Gospels. This episode develops… Read More »

Episode 76 - Jesus Walks on the Water

In this well-known scene from the Gospels, Jesus walks on the water and once again demonstrates His power and authority as the one true God. This episode looks at the four miraculous events that Jesus performs, causing the disciples to marvel and once again shattering their perception of Him. For a resource on Jesus as… Read More »

Episode 77 - Confrontation with the Pharisees

Just a day after feeding the 5,000 and walking on the water, Jesus encounters Pharisees from Jerusalem in Capernaum. There, He rebukes them for exalting their "traditions" and completely missing the heart of God in the Law of Moses. This episode develops one of the main controversies Jesus often has with the Jewish authorities.

Episode 78 - The Bread of Life

Just before the second Passover feast of His ministry, Jesus delivers His well-known "eat my flesh, drink my blood" sermon. By casting Himself as the true bread from heaven, He causes many to harden their hearts and turn away from following Him. This episode looks at the sermon from John 6.

Episode 79 - The Journey to Tyre and Sidon

After winnowing down His following in Galilee, Jesus heads north to Tyre and Sidon and begins ministering to Gentiles instead of heading south for the Passover in Jerusalem. This must have been extremely confusing for the Twelve. This episode looks at the journey and His ministry north of Galilee.

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