Scripture: 2 Samuel 7

These videos below reference the Scripture: 2 Samuel 7.

What is God really doing in the world?

As a ministry intern and Bible school student, I earnestly prayed to "know God's heart". He answered that prayer as I simply opened up the pages of scripture and understood the larger narrative of redemptive history. In this video, I talk a bit about the covenants that God made with the nation of Israel and… Read More »

The Old Testament isn't all about Jesus

Many Gentile Christians avoid reading the Old Testament, perhaps because it's perceived as irrelevant or "fulfilled" by Jesus' first coming. But the Old Testament speaks of SO much more than Jesus dying on the cross for the sins of the world. It holds out a clear, certain hope through a larger story involving God's covenants… Read More »

Episode 153 - Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances, part 2

Just a short time after His resurrection, the Gospels record Jesus' appearance to His disciples in a locked room in Jerusalem. Jesus opens up the minds of the disciples to understand all that was written in the Law, Prophets, and Psalms concerning His suffering. This episode looks at Jesus' words from Luke 24.

Episode 143 - Jesus' Final Sentencing

Jesus, the promised seed of Genesis 3, the promised king of Israel from David's line from 2 Samuel 7, and the very God of Israel who shook Mount Sinai from Exodus 20 is beaten and spit on before several hundred Roman solders in the Praetorium, Pilate's residence. This episode looks at some details of His… Read More »

Episode 140 - Before Pilate, part 2

As the Jewish authorities hurl false accusations of Jesus before Pilate, the Roman governor withdraws into his residence for a more private conversation with his prisoner. Pilate marvels at Jesus' answers inside as well as His silence before the Jews. This episode examines the accusations of the Jews as well as Jesus' words to Pilate… Read More »

Episode 137 - Before the Sanhedrin, part 1

After being privately questioned by Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council, is gathered in haste to the house of the high priest where He is questioned, mocked, accused, spit on, and beaten. There was no legality whatsoever to the actions of the Jewish authorities, and the steps to a judicial murder of Jesus had… Read More »

Episode 124 - The Conclusion of Jesus' Public Ministry

Jesus' public ministry comes to a close on Tuesday of Passion Week. This episode reviews the major themes developed by the Gospels in the two years of His ministry to Israel and examines the short record of events on Wednesday, including Judas' agreement with the Jewish authorities to betray Jesus.

Episode 122 - Passion Week: Tuesday, part 4

In His final day of public ministry, Jesus continues to silence His opponents and asserts His divinity yet again to the Jewish leadership. This episode develops the final events of Tuesday of Passion Week, including the Pharisees' question about the greatest commandment and Jesus' words about Psalm 110 and David's son.

Episode 118 - Passion Week: Monday

Upon His entry into Jerusalem on Monday, Jesus once again turns over the tables of the money changers in the Temple - something He has done once before at the beginning of His ministry. While He taught during the day, He also quoted Isaiah 56 and Psalm 8 to the sneering Pharisees and Jewish authorities,… Read More »

Episode 116 - The "Triumphal" Entry, part 1

On Sunday of Passion Week, crowds gather to laud Jesus as He enters into Jerusalem on a donkey. The Gospels make it clear that Jesus is acting in accordance with Old Testament prophecy, that He is indeed the one they are expecting. This episode details the events of Jesus' journey into the city and also… Read More »
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