Scripture: Deuteronomy 18

These videos below reference the Scripture: Deuteronomy 18.

Episode 152 - Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances, part 1

After His resurrection, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene and two pilgrims on the road to Emmaus. The Gospels record these events as having happened on Sunday, the day following the Sabbath. This episode examines the details of each scene and connects Jesus' resurrection to the expectation of the Jews.

Episode 132 - Jesus' Words in the Temple

After leaving the upper room and before entering the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus and the eleven likely proceeded to the Temple where Jesus speaks John 15 through 17 to them. This episode expounds upon the corporate, Israelocentric reasons why it seems most likely that Jesus was in the Temple when He delivered these well-known words.

Episode 84 - The Transfiguration

After predicting His suffering, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain and is transfigured before them. God's voice is also heard from the heavens, confirming Jesus' identity. The disciples now must wrestle with this idea of "suffering before glory" - not only for their Messiah, but also for themselves.

Episode 75 - The Feeding of the Five Thousand, part 2

Jesus miraculously feeding 5,000 men is one of the more well-known stories from the Gospels. Yet the geographical context, the events leading up to it, and the creative power that Jesus displays is not often considered. The timing of the feeding also helps tremendously in forming a general chronology of the Gospels. This episode develops… Read More »

Episode 43 - The Inquisition from Jerusalem

While Jesus was still in the wilderness, priests and Levites from Jerusalem came to Bethany beyond the Jordan to question John the Baptist. Crowds had gathered to John in the wilderness. Could he be the promised Christ? Learn more about this significant moment in this episode.

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