Scripture: Isaiah 24

These videos below reference the Scripture: Isaiah 24.

"Sing, choirs of angels" - The Myths of Christmas #3

Our modern Christmas songs and hymns describe a "choir of angels" that appear at the birth of Jesus, but is that how the Bible describes them? In this third episode of "The Myths of Christmas", learn a bit more about who these angels were, and why it greatly matters for your future.

Episode 127 - The Last Supper, part 3

After the disciples arrive to the upper room and find their place at the table, Jesus formally begins the "Last Supper", the Passover meal celebration with them before His crucifixion. This episode examines the Old Testament foundations of the Passover celebration, its meaning to the Jewish people, and the eschatological understanding of the feast for… Read More »

Episode 71 - Healings in Galilee

After Jesus calms the storm, He heals a demonized man in the region of the Gerasenes. Upon His return to Capernaum, He also heals Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood. These dramatic miracles occur very close together and continue to show forth Jesus' power and authority to the Galileans.

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