Scripture: John 10

These videos below reference the Scripture: John 10.

Episode 118 - Passion Week: Monday

Upon His entry into Jerusalem on Monday, Jesus once again turns over the tables of the money changers in the Temple - something He has done once before at the beginning of His ministry. While He taught during the day, He also quoted Isaiah 56 and Psalm 8 to the sneering Pharisees and Jewish authorities,… Read More »

Episode 105 - The Raising of Lazarus

Just on the doorstep of Jerusalem and only a short time before His crucifixion, Jesus raises Lazarus of Bethany from death after being in his tomb for four days. The Jewish authorities receive word and news of the miracle spreads quickly, causing them to begin to plan how they can put Jesus to death. This… Read More »

Episode 100 - Parables in Bethany Beyond the Jordan

After withdrawing again to Bethany Beyond the Jordan after the Feast of Dedication, large crowds follow Jesus. The Pharisees begin to grumble because of Jesus' association with tax collectors and sinners, so Jesus reproves them for their hard hearts with several parables. This episode looks at the first two parables from Luke 15.

Episode 99 - Jesus at the Feast of Dedication

After traveling about Judea and Perea for several months, Jesus teaches in the Temple at the Feast of Dedication in December of 28AD. There, the Jews seek to stone Him for blasphemy because He claimed to be God. This episode details Jesus' words from John 10.

Episode 98 - Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jesus continues His rebuke of the Jewish authorities in John 10 just prior to the Feast of Dedication in December of 28AD by drawing on a well-known Old Testament passage to them, Ezekiel 34. This episode develops that rebuke and connects it to the story of the Old Testament.

Episode 97 - Healing of the Man Born Blind

Jesus heals a man born blind by making mud from dirt and spit, rubbing it on his eyes, and telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The Jewish authorities are once again angered. They bring in the man for questioning, attempting to discredit Jesus. This episode looks at this scene from John 9.

Episode 92 - Ministering in Judea and Perea

After the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus continues ministering in Judea and Perea. This episode looks at the chronological context for the Lord's prayer as well as Jesus' often misunderstood words "the kingdom of God has come upon you" from Luke 11.

Episode 85 - Introduction to the Late Perean and Judean Ministry

In the last extended period of Jesus' two-year ministry, we discover Him ministering mainly in the southern parts of Israel. With only about 6 months remaining before He is crucified in Jerusalem, this period is marked by severe statements of warning and pronouncements of judgment on Israel and the Jewish leadership.

Episode 10 - Introduction to John's Gospel

John's Gospel is perhaps the most unique one out of the four. In this episode, I cover John's author, the date it was written, and some of the major themes and literary style of the book. John narrates much of Jesus' activity in and around Jerusalem, focusing on several Jewish feasts (Passover, Tabernacles, Dedication). John… Read More »

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