Scripture: Luke 14

These videos below reference the Scripture: Luke 14.

This is the hardest thing about being a disciple of Jesus

Following Jesus is costly. In Luke 14, Jesus says that if we don't count the cost from the beginning, we won't be able to be his disciple. This message is rarely heard in Western Christianity because we've lost the hope and expectation that first century Jews had for the future.

Treasures in heaven, bad eyes, and the age to come

In Matthew 6, Jesus encourages the Jews to store up "treasures in heaven". Is Jesus telling his hearers that when they get to heaven he will give them a box of Legos or a gold necklace or a white stone if they stop looking at pornography? Jesus' original Jewish hearers would have understood the phrase… Read More »

Episode 126 - The Last Supper, part 2

As the ten disciples and Jesus come into the upper room to meet Peter and John for the Passover meal, a dispute arises among them as to who is the greatest. This episode develops this part of the scene of the Last Supper, detailing the importance of the seating arrangement to the events of the… Read More »

Episode 101 - The Parable of the Prodigal Son

In Bethany Beyond the Jordan just after the Feast of Dedication, Jesus gives a series of parables to further expose the hardness of the Pharisees' hearts. This episode details the well-known parable of the "prodigal son" and connects it with the larger themes of Jesus' ministry to Israel.

Episode 100 - Parables in Bethany Beyond the Jordan

After withdrawing again to Bethany Beyond the Jordan after the Feast of Dedication, large crowds follow Jesus. The Pharisees begin to grumble because of Jesus' association with tax collectors and sinners, so Jesus reproves them for their hard hearts with several parables. This episode looks at the first two parables from Luke 15.

Episode 96 - Dining with the Ruler of the Pharisees

Upon heading into Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication, Jesus dines with a member of Israel's ruling council, the Sanhedrin. At the meal, He rebukes them for taking the places of honor at the table and not seeking humility as they should. This episode examines the events from Luke 14.

Episode 92 - Ministering in Judea and Perea

After the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus continues ministering in Judea and Perea. This episode looks at the chronological context for the Lord's prayer as well as Jesus' often misunderstood words "the kingdom of God has come upon you" from Luke 11.

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