Scripture: Luke 3

These videos below reference the Scripture: Luke 3.

Tidings of comfort and joy? - The Myths of Christmas #7

Carols, greeting cards, and church bulletins all proclaim Christmas is about "joy" and "peace". But this year, there doesn't seem to be much of that in the world. So, what gives? When Christmas is placed in context to the larger story of the Bible, the reason for joy and peace becomes much clearer.

"The gospel" is about so much more than the death and resurrection of Jesus

The common modern understanding of the Gospel is that "Jesus died and rose again so we can go to heaven when we die", but Luke writes several times that people proclaimed "the gospel" before Jesus even said that he was going to die and rise again (Luke 3:18, Luke 9:1-6, Luke 20:1). So, what would… Read More »

Episode 132 - Jesus' Words in the Temple

After leaving the upper room and before entering the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus and the eleven likely proceeded to the Temple where Jesus speaks John 15 through 17 to them. This episode expounds upon the corporate, Israelocentric reasons why it seems most likely that Jesus was in the Temple when He delivered these well-known words.

Episode 115 - Introduction to Passion Week

The four Gospels narrate the final week of Jesus' life and the events surrounding His crucifixion with far more detail than any other time period in His two-year ministry. This episode introduces what the church has called "Passion Week" or "Holy Week" and exhorts believers to find fellowship with Jesus during these precious moments of… Read More »

Episode 94 - Teaching in Judea Between the Feasts

After the Feast of Tabernacles in October, Jesus gives an extended teaching to the crowds in Judea in Luke 12-13. Unlike the Pharisees who were leading the people of Israel astray, the good shepherd Jesus instructs the people in righteousness and encourages them to seek first His coming kingdom instead of possessions and wealth in… Read More »

Episode 92 - Ministering in Judea and Perea

After the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus continues ministering in Judea and Perea. This episode looks at the chronological context for the Lord's prayer as well as Jesus' often misunderstood words "the kingdom of God has come upon you" from Luke 11.

Episode 63 - The Sermon on the Mount, part 1

Jesus begins the famous Sermon on the Mount with the "beatitudes", a series of "blessings" and "woes" for the Jewish hearers. Luke's account of the Sermon shows Jesus being radically divisive and indicating that God is interested in a repentant heart, not merely outward actions. This episode examines several of the beatitudes from Luke and… Read More »

Episode 54 - Jesus' First Rejection in Nazareth

Upon His return to Galilee, Jesus enters his hometown of Nazareth and stands up in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, Jesus identifies Himself as the one who will accomplish the things written. The Jews, in utter disbelief, attempt to throw him off of a cliff. This episode… Read More »

Episode 42 - Jesus in the Wilderness

Immediately following His baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where He remains for 40 days. During that time, Satan tests Him on three specific instances. This episode develops the significance of the tests and why it is important that Jesus emerged victoriously.

Episode 41 - The Baptism of Jesus

The baptism of Jesus is a very familiar scene to many, but there is so much confusion about it. Why was Jesus baptized and how does it tie into the greater story of the Gospels and the Old Testament? This episode looks at those moments in Bethany beyond the Jordan and connects Jesus' baptism to… Read More »
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