Scripture: Mark 5

These videos below reference the Scripture: Mark 5.

Episode 72 - The Sending of the Twelve

After only a few months of being Jesus' formal disciples, the Twelve are sent out two-by-two into the towns of Galilee with power and authority to appeal for the fruits of repentance. Unfortunately, many Galileans do not respond to their appeal. This episode examines the final events of Jesus' Middle Galilean ministry.

Episode 71 - Healings in Galilee

After Jesus calms the storm, He heals a demonized man in the region of the Gerasenes. Upon His return to Capernaum, He also heals Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood. These dramatic miracles occur very close together and continue to show forth Jesus' power and authority to the Galileans.

Episode 5 - Pondering the Life of Jesus, Part 1

When Jesus performed a miracle or taught with authority during His two-year ministry, the crowds were continually filled with awe and wonder. Our overfamiliarity with the stories often leaves us bored and disconnected instead of inciting similar feelings of awe and wonder. How does the life of Jesus move from being a fairy tale to… Read More »

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