Scripture: Matthew 19

These videos below reference the Scripture: Matthew 19.

This is the hardest thing about being a disciple of Jesus

Following Jesus is costly. In Luke 14, Jesus says that if we don't count the cost from the beginning, we won't be able to be his disciple. This message is rarely heard in Western Christianity because we've lost the hope and expectation that first century Jews had for the future.

Episode 106 - Overview of Jesus' Final Journey to Jerusalem

After raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus and the Twelve take leave of the crowds and angry Jewish leadership and head to Ephraim before heading north one final time to Galilee. In this episode, see an overview of the events of Jesus' final journey to Jerusalem in the spring of 29AD.

Episode 39 - The Message of John the Baptist, part 4

John the Baptist's message of division was not something new in redemptive history. This episode examines the Old Testament foundation of the promise of restoration and regeneration and links it to Jesus' first coming. As we trace "the seed" (Genesis 3:15), the message of John and the story of the Gospels will become much clearer… Read More »

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